Oil Painting PS Action - 33986324

Oil Painting PS Action - 33986324
ATN | 5 Mb
This action is designed to transform your photo’s into Oil Paintings. You will get the best energetic, oily, painting oil, glamour oil, portrait oil & oil retouch effect from the action. I recommend using the action on photos (1000 – 1500) resolution to get the best results.
·One click to apply an amazing effects on your photo
·Clean actions, Clean work
·Recommended image size ( 1000px to 1500px )
·Resolution 72 or 300 DPI
·HDR, Art Effect, Cartoon Effect, Oily Effect, Retouch & Dramatic Effect
·Help file included
ATN file included
·One click to apply an amazing effects on your photo
·Clean actions, Clean work
·Recommended image size ( 1000px to 1500px )
·Resolution 72 or 300 DPI
·HDR, Art Effect, Cartoon Effect, Oily Effect, Retouch & Dramatic Effect
·Help file included
ATN file included